PBA TOP COP: July, 2015

Police Officers
Peter Gaudino

On July 11, 2015 at approximately 5am, a radio assignment was broadcast for a robbery in progress at a Seven Eleven store. A witness advised 911 that while pulling into the parking lot, he observed a male holding a gun to the head of the cashier. Officer Gaudino, while responding to the call, kept an eye out for possible subjects fleeing the scene. While en route, he observed a man matching a description that was broadcast of the subject; the man was running with a rifle in his hands. The officer advised the police dispatcher and followed the subject in his patrol car. He was able to get into close proximity of the subject, then began to pursue him on foot.

Officer Gaudino gave the subject several verbal commands to stop and drop the weapon. The subject refused. Instead, he ran into the parking lot of a business, Officer Gaudino following close behind. The subject ran between several parked vehicles where he stopped at a chain link gate. The gate was locked. After several more commands by Officer Gaudino, the subject dropped the rifle and climbed over the gate and ran into an empty field. Officer Gaudino again ordered the subject to stop running and get on the ground, at which time, subject did comply.

Assisting units responded to Officer Gaudino’s location. The subject was taken into custody and charged with robbery.

Because of his quick response, keen observations and the actions he took, Police Officer Gaudino is our PBA Top Cop for July, 2015.

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